Firstnolly TVZUBBY MOVIES October 26, 2023 SPIRIT OF JANET SEASON 3 {NEW MOVIE} – Zubby Micheal,2023 Latest Nigerian Nollywood Movie By 129 Related videos No child deserves this amount of Hatred from his Father zubby Micheal ZUBBY MOVIES DNA TEST | ZUBBY MICHAEL | FRANCES BEN | IFY EZE | LATEST NIGERIAN MOVIES 2024 ZUBBY MOVIES LIFE & DEATH | ZUBBY MICHAEL | CHIDIMMA IDIMBAH | YUL EDOCHIE | DIAMOND OKECHI | NEW NIGERIAN MOVIES ZUBBY MOVIES DARK COVENANT | ZUBBY MICHAEL | REGINA DANIEL | HACHU HAYEZ | GRACE EKWUEME | LATEST NIGERIAN MOVIE ZUBBY MOVIES Thanks for watching please share Source: FirstNolly TV on Youtube Related videos MAD SON | ZUBBY MICHAEL | DIAMOND OKECHI | MAX AKACHI | SHASHA DONALD | NIGERIAN MOVIES ZUBBY MOVIES ZUBBY MICHAEL | UJU OKOLI | IFY EZE | CHIOMA NWAOHA | NIGERIAN MOVIE ZUBBY MOVIES UNWANTED CHILD | ZUBBY MICHAEL | RACHAEL OKONKWO | PRINCESS OKEKE | HACHU HAYEZ | NIGERIAN MOVIE ZUBBY MOVIES BLACK CHILD | ZUBBY MICHAEL | IFEDI SHARON | HACHU HAYEZ | GRACE EKWUEME | NIGERIAN MOVIES ZUBBY MOVIES 20 comments Dave pretends is getting on my nerves 😒 Reply 😂😂😂😂😂 Mr Idiot is thinking this calabar girl in the pride of royalty 😂😂😂 just wake up from ur dream 😅😅 Reply I like that DPO Reply Why does zubby always play the role of a mad dog Reply I like papa Zubby chief n rich role fit him and his a very neat man . Reply If only they leave her body small time her body will come back. N she will wake up Reply some men can be wicked wallahi 😒see hw he's pretending as if he doesn't know what has happened to Janet yet he claims that she's his fiance hooo 😢wat are wicked world Reply This our spirit no de use face cream nii ,see heavy pimples, Reply The gateman wants to make her dream true 😂😂😂. Reply Am here for my man Zubby man of war 🤗😊💙👌🏾🤗 Reply Jerry please don’t frustrate your father and mother be a good son biko Reply Nigerian police I hope you are watching the DPO how he rejected the money from them ….. Reply Oh Mr idiot again ooooo😂😂😂 Reply Zubby the fight for inheritance why gate making all his efforts to knack our cook 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Reply am here for mr idiot 😂😂😂😂❤ Reply Dave is unbelievable! How heartless can he be. Reply Mama no nonsense 😂 you have begotten a son that is more stubborn than you, in the person of Zubby😂😂😂 let's see how it goes!! Reply This getman 😅 Reply Gateman na always trouble 👿 Reply Zubby man of war Reply Leave a reply Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ FacebookTwitterVKReddIt
😂😂😂😂😂 Mr Idiot is thinking this calabar girl in the pride of royalty 😂😂😂 just wake up from ur dream 😅😅 Reply
some men can be wicked wallahi 😒see hw he's pretending as if he doesn't know what has happened to Janet yet he claims that she's his fiance hooo 😢wat are wicked world Reply
Mama no nonsense 😂 you have begotten a son that is more stubborn than you, in the person of Zubby😂😂😂 let's see how it goes!! Reply
Dave pretends is getting on my nerves 😒
😂😂😂😂😂 Mr Idiot is thinking this calabar girl in the pride of royalty 😂😂😂 just wake up from ur dream 😅😅
I like that DPO
Why does zubby always play the role of a mad dog
I like papa Zubby chief n rich role fit him and his a very neat man .
If only they leave her body small time her body will come back. N she will wake up
some men can be wicked wallahi 😒see hw he's pretending as if he doesn't know what has happened to Janet yet he claims that she's his fiance hooo 😢wat are wicked world
This our spirit no de use face cream nii ,see heavy pimples,
The gateman wants to make her dream true 😂😂😂.
Am here for my man Zubby man of war 🤗😊💙👌🏾🤗
Jerry please don’t frustrate your father and mother be a good son biko
Nigerian police I hope you are watching the DPO how he rejected the money from them …..
Oh Mr idiot again ooooo😂😂😂
Zubby the fight for inheritance why gate making all his efforts to knack our cook 😂😂😂😂😂😂
am here for mr idiot 😂😂😂😂❤
Dave is unbelievable! How heartless can he be.
Mama no nonsense 😂 you have begotten a son that is more stubborn than you, in the person of Zubby😂😂😂 let's see how it goes!!
This getman 😅
Gateman na always trouble 👿
Zubby man of war