Return Of The Oracle 4 (2022 New Movie)- Zubby Michael 2022 Latest Nigerian Movie |Nollywood Movies


A powerful native doctor in a battle between his two daughters whom he rejected their choice of husbands for a reason best …

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Source: PressNolly TV


  1. These friends sacrificed for nothing. In the end they still die??.
    Someone's true gift never goes away. Even if that person goes to church. They will be seers in church. There's a dark and light sight to each gift. It depends on how the person uses it. Even the bible has a dark side. As the saying goes, what you sow you reap. Good begets good, evil begets evil and even if the evil tries to overshadow the good it wom't work. I think the priest and this girl will get married in the end and leave the church. They flirt too much.??

  2. ???? so those two guys first sacrificed Nelson's sister and later foolishly killed him so that they could enjoy their wealth in peace hmmmmmmm next day they both died?

  3. This movie it got to a point I lost interest and stopped following…light and darkness has nothing in common… I wonder how a pastor that works with the doctrine of Christ and represents the church wll cm and make peace with a native doctor…it's not done.

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